Zaria Forman's drawings show the beauty and the fragility of Earth. She travels around the world, mainly to the Artic, the Equator, Greenland and the Maldives. With each photographs and experience that she lives, she makes a painting to show the world how the climate change is affecting each part of our planet.
I think that the climate change is one of the current biggest issues of the human being. It is already happening and represents one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats facing the planet.
The warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures. I read in a newspaper article that the Earth's average surface temperature has risen by 0.76º C since 1850.
The climate can affect every person and our health directly through increases in temperature. Such increases may lead to more extreme heat waves during the summer while producing less extreme cold spells during the winter. Actually, we start to feel that. It's November and the Sun still shines like if it's Summer. Also, people with heart problems, asthma, the elderly and the very Young can be especially vulnerable to extreme heat.
Most of the warming that has occurred over the last 50 years is very likely to have been caused by human activities. Nowadays there are so many factories that exhale really destructive substances and pollute the air. We all know very well that air is something we can’t live without. When we breathe the polluted air, we can get seriously ill.
Another huge problem is that the sea levels are rising worldwide. Also the expansion of ocean water is caused by warmer ocean temperatures...The temperature is rising which means all the mountain glaciers and small ice caps are melting faster and faster, just like Zaria Formans said. Zaria drew a few paintings where we can see the melting of the ice in Greenland and in the Artic.
She has also went to places which are dryness. People from Africa, for example, can not cultivate plants because the dryness don't allow it. That is why they die from malnutrition; they can not get food from anywhere. Once again, they are suffering from a fact created by the pollution that we create.
She has also went to places which are dryness. People from Africa, for example, can not cultivate plants because the dryness don't allow it. That is why they die from malnutrition; they can not get food from anywhere. Once again, they are suffering from a fact created by the pollution that we create.
As a conclusion, I think that as the responsables of this problem, we should take responsability of it. The autorities should start to make changes to slow the efects of the climate change, considering that it can not be stopped now. If we don't make any change, we will end up like the third world. Zaria does such a good work. All of her drawings, apart from being very beautiful, original and impressive, reflect very good the issues that the climate change brings.
You can check out the Zaria Forman's Ted Talk where she talks about her drawings and the climate change.
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