dijous, 22 de desembre del 2016


The different ted talks that I have watched talk about several fashion aspects. Some people explain different ways to make fashion morally fine or the disadvantages and issues that fashion really brings.

In the first video, Cameron Russel, a model, admits that being a model does not depend on you. She says that it is like a 'genetic lottery' that not everybody wins. She also comments the way the society judges by the way a person's look and not by who they really are.

I agree with Cameron Russel in some aspects. She explained how is it being a model and what you go through. I think that she is right when she says that she simply won 'a genetic lottery'. But, when she started to say and confirm how is the industry of fashion in real life and the advantages that she had since she was 16 years old I thought about one simple question. If she is not happy with how fashion works, why does she continues working on being a model?

In the second video, Jessi Arrington explains how someone can easily wear cheap clothes and feel comfy with it. She remarks that we do not have to buy expensive clothes from different famous clothes brands to feel good with ourselves. To prove that, she shows some outfits which she recreated with second hand clothes.

Here is the video of the Ted Talk she did:

And here is the Ted Talk of Cameron Russel: