dijous, 7 de desembre del 2017


This news was published today, on December 7th, 2017, by the BBC newspaper. It talks about some of the reactions the announcement of Donald Trump got from Palestinians, Israelis and the main countries of EU. 

According to the news, Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital had different impacts. The Israeli PM said it was a historic day, while the Palestinian President said it was a deplorable move. Palestinians will protest, and plan strikes in order to “confront” Israel and the US.

Finally, the Arabs countries condemned the Trump’s decision, while Theresa May, the British PM, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor and Emmanuel Macron, the French President, didn’t support the decision.

The following video is an analysis from BBC focusing on what Mr. Trump said and what it means for peace. 

The president Trump’s announcement about Jerusalem being the Israelis’ was hard to swallow, even if it was quite predictable, considering that the US is the biggest ally of Israeli government. It looks like Trump's politics is not that different to the Obama's one. Keeping in mind how powerful the United States is, the decision they took yesterday was important even if countries like UK, France and Germany doesn’t support it, taking into account that it breaks the peace accords from 1993 and the US declaration as a neutral ally.

From my point of view, the US announcement is just another political move, just like all of their participation in each conflict throughout history. I think that supporting the Israeli country is definitely a point in favour in the US interests in the Middle East. So, the best way to secure the growth of Israel and to maintain it powerful is to recognise Jerusalem as their capital. As a result, the Israeli illegal settlements will keep going, the repression towards the Palestinians will increase and so will the attacks. 

Finally, I would like to say that Palestine must keep demanding the recognition of their country. It is not fair the occupation Palestine is suffering since 1947. Also, focusing on the current situation in Spain, comparing the wanted independent republic of Catalonia with Israel is in poor taste, meaning that what really have in common is the illegal action they make and the Zionism character both have.

Deplorable: lamentable. 

dimecres, 6 de desembre del 2017


This news was published on December 1st, 2017, by the BBC newspaper. It talks about the Julia’s Roberts reaction when it comes to the movie Wonder. 

According to the news, Julia Roberts declares speechless when it comes to her role in Wonder, which is a mother of a boy with a rare congenital condition that has affected the way his face is formed. She also says she thought that the book was so special and incredible, when she first read the book. What left her speechless, she says, is how her character spends time with the boy and how she decides to send him to school.
Jacob Trembay, who plays the main character of the movie, had to spend a lot of hours to do his make-up, according to Roberts. He also maintained contact with different patience who are suffering from that illness and sent letters to him. 
Finally, both actors agreed that the main message of the movie is to choose to be kind but also true to yourself and never give up.


I haven’t watched this film yet, but it is a thing that I will have to do as soon as possible. As far as I am concerned, I think that Jacob Trembay is right when he describes the main goal of the film, the big message which is given to the audience which is to always act with kindness, be true to yourself and, one of the most important thing, to just never give up. I have to say that I have high expectations when it comes to the film and I hope I’d like it as much as I do without even seen it.  

diumenge, 3 de desembre del 2017


This news was published on November 6th, 2017, by the BBC newspaper. It is about the disease that could change how we drink coffee. 

According to the news, Colombia’s coffee has been traded since 1960, when people started to bring plant materials from abroad.  Because of that, coffee plants are suffering from a rust, which is a disease with power to wipe out the production of coffee.

Considering that coffee is the base of one of the biggest industries in Colombia, that disease could affect the economics of the country and would affect the price of the coffee we drink everywhere.

Finally, researchers from Colombia are trying to investigate how the plants can survive to the disease, if it’s even possible. The disease is caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix, which causes discoloration to the plants’ leaves, which end up falling. The plants lose their ability to produce beans.

Coffee rust looks like a brown powder on the leaves.


From my point of view, I think that if the coffee rust will not be stopped, will have a problem. Considering that as a human being we consume a lot of coffee, the importation will be more expensive if we keep in mind the reduction of production of coffee. In these cases, the role of the scientists is important to find a possible solution to this problem. That’s the reason why the Colombian researchers are working hard to solve issue that concerns a lot. I know that there are other countries where is posible to import coffee from but, imagine one day waking up without coffee. 


Rust: oxidación.
Cripple: paralizar.


This news was published on November 30th, 2017, by the BBCnewspaper. It is about the intervention of Chinese police into the fake Peppa Pig products fabrication. Peppa Pig is a British children’s cartoon which is very popular in China.

According to the news, Police in Chine raided various places where it took place the manufacturing of counterfeit Peppa Pig products. This act took place because the British company Entertainment One complained about it, after they spotted the products on commercial websites. The raids took place in the city of Yangzhou on November 4th, days before the country’s biggest annual online shopping event.

Finally, the head of the company which faked the products was arrested and apologized.  

From my point of view, from one hand, I think that it is not fair the fabrication of fake trademarks products, because the brand doesn’t win anything for its own work. That’s the reason why I think that the Chinese police did an excellent job with the raids. From another hand, I think that the head of the company which did all the counterfeits did such a good action when it comes to admit the wrong thing he had committed.

Counterfeit: falsificación.
Raid: asalto
Trademark: Marca registrada (logo). 


This news was posted on November 29th, 2017 by the BBC newspaper. It is about the death of the Bosnian Croat war criminal, Praljak, who took poison in court, during an appeal hearing in The Hague.

According to the newspaper, Praljak was sentenced for crimes in Mostar during the Bosnian war in 2013, next to five more formers. On this day, it took place the final appeal judgment hearing where Praljak was sentenced for 20 years on jail because of the crimes he committed, which were crimes against humanity.

After he drunk the poison, he was immediately assisted by the medical staff and transported to a hospital, even though, he died.

Slobodan Praljak, in the middle. 

From my point of view, I think that Praljak drinking the glass of poison is just a coward action. If he truly believed that he wasn’t a criminal, he wouldn’t drink poison, he wouldn’t give up on himself. Otherwise, he would go to jail and fight for his thoughts, but that’s impossible to do because even himself knew that he was such a big criminal.
When it comes to the crimes he committed, they are horrible. As far as I am concerned, one of the worsts wars was against Muslims. He destructed as many mosques as he could, leaving aside the city’s historic Old Bridge, and tortured them as bad as he could.

The problem I see in here is what now for the victims. Now that the ex-commander is dead, that doesn’t take away the pain people had suffered and all what they went through, for not talking about the losses of their loved ones.