When I was little, I was always watching TV. As
soon as I got home from school or my after-school activities, I would watch my
favourites cartoons. Watching TV was just like my way to spend time. But at the
same time I was growing, the amount of homework was increasing and with that my
free time was reducing, until now, that I do not even turn on the TV.

First, I would like to say that the television
industry was created to entertain. But little by little, the idea of
entertaining has hanged. I do not know if it is because I have grown up and
nothing in the TV looks entertaining or it’s just my point of view. In the
second place, I think that the main cause would be the shortage free time I
have (putting to one side school).
In my opinion, I am glad of not watching that much
TV. But, however, I spend a lot of time surfing on the internet. This has
brought me positive things like negatives ones.
On one hand, Internet provides me with the
ability of select the series and shows to watch whenever I want. The biggest
inconvenient of TV is that people have to make time to watch it, meanwhile with
the Internet services, people can watch what they want without having to make
time. But, with the new companies, like Netflix, this concept has changed, of
course. On the other hand, lately, the most of TV shows and series doesn’t attract
me that much. Youtubers have also influenced a lot people. It is more easy to
watch them everywhere and any time. It is more pleasant, even though I start to
think that YouTube is becoming more like a big TV company. When it becomes to the
news, I haven’t watch them for a long time. The fact that we can access to
social media apps from the mobile phone makes easy to check quickly
the news (meanly the most recent) and helps you to keep updated of what is
happening around the world.
As a conclusion, I have to say that it is not
bad to watch TV when you know how to. When I say that I haven’t watch it for a
long time I don’t mean that I never do, but first I check its programming
from the mobile phone. For example, about a week ago, I watched the film The imitation game in the TV after checking what films they would transmit. As for the
utility of Internet as an alternative of the television is, technically, not a
big difference, but for my actual situation it makes a big difference to my
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