dissabte, 11 de febrer del 2017


During Christmas holidays I read this article and I thought it would be good to talk about it. This news was published in The Guardian newspaper on the 4th of January.

This article talks about a French farmer, Cédric Herrou, who is accused for helping undocumented foreigners enter in France. He helped African migrants to cross the border from Italy, giving them shelter, considering that his farm is near the borders of Italy, a famous road for migrants.
According to the news, he was arrested before for smuggle Eritreans. However, the case was dropped out because they considered he did an act of humanity grounds.

Even so, he is accused for being an activist. He takes part of a network of citizens who help people and they have been linkened by others to the French people who helped hide Jewx during the second world war. Now he faces up to five years in jail and €30.000 fine if convicted.

Cédric Herrou, centre, arrives at the court in Nice, southern France.
Cédric Herrou (the one in the centre) arriving in the court in Nice, France.

Personally, I think it is obvious the reason why Cédric Herrou was arrested. If you break the law, you take the risk to get arrested. This is how it works. But the problem comes when someone gets arrested for making a solidarity act, like Cédric. In my opinion, putting to one side the laws, he just acted how we all should act. As he says, “If we have to break the law to help people, let’s do it!”.

We also must have in mind the fact that he constantly sees the migrants crossing the border. He sees how they struggle to just get a better life. As the news informs, it is not the first time he got arrested. This indicates he does not give up on helping because he considers it necessary. It is necessary. Just like it was necessary to help the Jews in the Second Wold War, the refugees from countries in a horrific war or the migrants who want to live a better life.

In my opinion, I think the worst thing is that there are people who commits crimes which harms a society (the opposite from Cédric’s acts) and do not get arrested or if they do, they do not suffer the consequences as Cédric does.

VOCABULARY (translation in English-Spanish):
ERITREAN: Perteneciente o relativo al mar Rojo o a los territorios que baña.
UNAPOLOGETIC: Sin remordimientos
SAMARITAN: Persona amable que ayuda.
SMUGGLE: Contrabandear, traficar.

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