Shakespear400 is a cultural, creative an educational assosciation leaded by King's College London which will mark the 400th anniversary on Shakespeare's death on 2016.
It is a village localizated in Warwickshire, in the south of Birmingham, England. It is famous because William Shakespeare was born and died there.
Anne Hathaway was Shakespeare's wife. When they get married, in 1582, she was 18 years old and he was 26 years old.
It ias a theatre where it was represented one of the most famous scenes of Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet. The scene that was played there was the balcony scene, where Juliet was on the top and Romeo was in the bottom.
William Shakespeare wrote different kind of plays: tragedy, comdey, dramatic histories,... Some of them are these: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Titus Andronicus, The two noble Kinsmen, The History of Cardenio, As you like it, All's well that ends.
In 1606, more or less, there was a plague in England. Some people say that Shakespeare's died was caused by this plague. They say he was very sick because of the place where he was living was in very bad conditions.
In this year, William Shakespeare wrote one of his best love story ever, Romeo and Juliet.
The queen Elisabeth, when she was roling the country, was very supportive with Shakespeare. She was enjoying a lot all of his plays. There are rumours that she and William had a relationship.
William Shakespeare's plays, after the british victory over the Spanish armada in 1588, were very influenced by the new sense of English national identity.
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking make it so". No hi ha res bo o dolent però, pensant ho fa.
"A fool thinks himself to be a wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool". Un ximple pensa que és savi però, un savi es coneix a sí mateix per un ximple.