dimarts, 9 de maig del 2017


Recently, the word Islam has been everywhere. If you turned on the TV, the media would be probably name it. If you checked the social medias you would see how many hashtags were dedicated to Islam. The mainly thing in common about it is that the word Islam is always related with something bad. It is quite funny because the word Islam and what goes behind it is the opposite to bad. This wrong comparison happens when people don’t bother themselves to do some research.

Since I was younger, I thought: “After all the mistakes the humankind has made throughout history, when it becomes to the discrimination of people and hate, they didn’t change anything about their mindset”. But as soon as I got older, I got to know that it’s all about the interests of people. It interests a lot the existence of hate.

A few days ago, I found a video where the 2016 finalists from the National Poetry Slam where performing such a good poem. The poem was about islamophobia. They talked very well about this issue, giving convincing arguments during the whole video.

I think that we don’t usually give importance to islamophobics because we rather focus on racism on black people, South Americans or Asians. Muslims have been forgotten about what they go through for something which is not even they fault. Hating Muslims for the actions of some is like hating Germans for what some of them did during the Nazi period to Jewish people, for example.

Here's the video which in 3 minuts leave things understood:

In the following video, we can see how Adam Saleh, a well-known New Yorker youtuber, was kicked out from the airplane from Delta Airlines because some passengers felt uncomfortable when they were talking in Arab, their native tongue. I have to say that it was the most ridiculous thing on behalf the passengers’ behaviour, waving their hands in the back, so disgusting.

In my opinion, I think that the worst thing is when low key racist people act against racism. I really hate when people complain racist people, saying that it so bad or unhuman, when in real life they are the ones. A clearly example could be seen during the election of the USA president. I had been hearing on repeat how Trump was so racist by people who actually are or act like it.

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